What does it mean to be a man?

The world is changing and it feels like we are constantly under attack. The old notions of masculinity are now called “toxic”. We’re supposed to be sensitive, empathetic, and in touch with our emotions, but also be bold, confident, and strong.

We’re supposed to be tough, but not too tough, sensitive but not too sensitive, and bold but not too bold. We want to be leaders but are also expected to make room for others. We should be confident, but not cocky or arrogant, smart and knowledgeable, but not man-splain or know-it-all.

It can feel like there is no right way to be a man and no way to win. Sometimes it even feels like we aren’t welcome in society anymore, that our very existence is resented.

What it means to be a man is changing, and to succeed in this changing world, you need to understand what it really means to be masculine - not just traditional gender roles, but true masculinity, the way nature made us.

The world will always need men who understand what our purpose is and how to fulfill it in changing circumstances.

Being a man is about how you think, and what you believe, and having the strength, confidence, and judgment to do what is right and necessary under the most challenging of circumstances.

The men who have the most impact in this new world are the men who truly understand what it means to be a man, they see beyond the old standards, and become the new leaders and the role models, the men who stand out in business, relationships, and life.

My one-on-one coaching will transform how you look at masculinity and yourself. It will give you the confidence to handle any situations in business and life, to create success on your terms, to face challenges, and to achieve your goals.

No matter where you are in life right now, you can be a better man, you can be a better version of yourself. You can become the Man You Were Born to Be.

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