Bring Your Life Into Alignment

Every one of us was born for a specific reason and is destined to play a meaningful role in this world. It is this role that bestows meaning and purpose in our lives, and it is this role that ultimately satisfies us.

Unfortunately, if we don't know what our purpose is, the world will assign us one that doesn’t fit, and then we'll be left wondering, "Is this all there is?"

My Aligned Life Coaching program is to lead you through an intensive process that will help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself, including your natural tendencies, your strengths, your life experiences, and your relationships, and then integrate this newfound knowledge to assist you in designing the truly inspiring life that you want to lead. 

Over 12 weeks, we will engage in one-on-one collaboration. I will walk you through each stage, assisting you in discovering the qualities that set you apart from others and illuminating the contributions you bring to the world. 

This process will not only provide you with a deeper comprehension of who you are, but it also has the potential to revolutionize your relationships and catapult your career. 

It takes commitment and effort to succeed in this course. I only work with a select few individuals in this way. Make an appointment for a consultation call with me personally so we can discuss whether or not we can work together effectively. 

Understand Yourself and Unlock Your Purpose

“Charles’ work ethic and attitude was compelling and contagious. He approached each week’s tasks with an open mind and continuously encouraged me to do the same, while remaining analytical and focused. His positive attitude and light I unequivocally recommend anyone who wants to learn about themselves to participate in Charles Freeland’s Revel Craft Life Coaching Program.”

-Christian Hines, Co-Founder of DOB NGU Corporation d/b/a Semy®

" I went from a job at a bar to creating original content, working live shows for Google, and producing for an NBC show. In one year, I had about a 20% increase in salary, and a 1000% increase in opportunities in my field!"

- Jeff Alexander

“ Charles Freeland has single-handedly changed the way I approach new situations, the way I see myself, and the outlook I have on my life as a whole. His gentle guidance and unyielding belief in me has pushed me towards a more present, happier version of myself that I haven’t seen in years. I urge you to reach out to Revel Craft Life Coaching and let Charles help you to reclaim your power.”

— Cassie Lowe, Actor

“I felt trapped in a miserable cycle. I was just trying to make it through to the next day… I am now thriving, possibly, for the first time ever. I am hands down the happiest I have ever been. I have the confidence and presence of mind. My life is drastically better thanks largely to the changes he inspired and encouraged within me.”

— Katey E.